Application of Drying

Application of the Drying in the Pharmacy are As Follows  :

1. Preservation of the Drug Products :

drying is the necessary in order to avoid deterioration . A few examples are as follow s :

 - blood products ,  tissue undergo microbial growth . which might need to preserved to use in later in pharmaceutical industry .

 - effervescent tablets , synthetic and semi sentahatic drug undergo chemical decomposition . 

# if it went decomposition then the product will no longer be useful for the use in the pharmaceutical industry value  . and hence to protect its tharapuetic value it is required to have to preserved the orignal structure of the drug to remain present  .

2. Preparation of the Bulk Drug  :

Drying id the final stage of the process of pharmaceutical industry preparations . it involve the preparation  of some of below exampled products :

1. Dried Aluminum Hydroxide

2. Spray Dried Lactose  

3. Powdered Extract .


3. Improved Characteristics :

Drying produce material of spherical shape , uniform size  , free flowing and enhanced solubility .

- granules are dried to improve the fludity and compression characteristics these aer essential for the production of the tablets and capsules  .

 -  Viscous and sticky material are not free flowing  , Drying modifies these characteristics .

4. Improved Handling  :

-  removal of moisture make the matrial lioght in weight and reduce bulk .

-  the cost of trasportation will be less and storage will be efficient  .

-  if moisture is present size reduction of drug is difficult .

 - drying reduces the moisture content .
