Factors Affecting Rate of Drying
The Various Factors Affecting Rate of Drying Are As Follows :
1. Particle Size :
particle size play a very major role in the drying process and large particle contain very large amount of bound water in it which is difficult to remove the small particle where as contain large amount of the unbound water which is easier to remove then the bound water in case of drying i.e. removal of water process .
2. Nature of Material :
nature of the material also play a very important role in the Drying Process . as the material which is sticky need more drying process and the process contain very less amount of the product very low moisture content .
3. Nature of moisture (Bound / UnBound ) :
moisture is the water content in the molecule . the bound water is very difficult to remove in the process of drying where as unbound water is the loosely bound water and very easy to remove the water content in the process of the drying .
4. Surface Area :
surface area also affect the rate of the evaporation as the suface area increses the arte of the drying increases as grater area is found to perform drying on the material and hence the increasing the surface are of the material increases the rate of the drying process .
5 . Initial and Final Moisture Content :
initial and final moisture content also play a very important role in the drying as it might be seen that the after the evaporation process very low quantity of the moisure is present in the product rate changes the amount of the water changes and hence affect the rate of the drying .
6.Thickness of the Material bed :
thickness of the matrial bed also effect the process of the drying as if the material bed is thick the time taken to dry it will be greater then the thin sheet of that material for the process of the drying to determine the rate of the drying process .
7. Temperature :
temperature is directly proportional to the rate of the drying as the temperature increase the rate of the drying increases and and fast in higher temperature as in the lower temperature the rate of the drying become low and takes more time somtimes and sometimes it is diffucult to remove the bound water in a low temperature .
8. Amount of the moisture:
amount of the moisture also effect the rate of the drying as grated the moisture content lager the time required and grated the time taken taken for the drying process . and lower the moisture content less the time require and less the time taken for the drying process .
9. Nature of the Product :
nature of product have significant froduct in the rate of the drying process and the gelatinious subastance the rate of dring id greater and for solid product has a significant effect on rate of the drying process .
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