Edge runner mill

Principle :

Crushing due to heavy weight of the stones and the shearing force which involved during movement of the stones  .

Construction :

1. It consist of two heavy rollers of cast iron or stones .
2. the diameter of the rollers may very fine from 0.5 to 2.5 meter .
3. the rollers are mounted vertically on a horizontal shaft .
4. the two rollers are connected by this shaft .
5. each roller revolves on its axis in  a shallow circular path .
6. the pan is made up of Stone or iron .
7. the Rollers have a central shaft and they move around the pan .
8. scrappers are also provided in the pan .

Working :

1. the materials to be grounded is placed in center of the pan and is worked outward by the action of the rotors .
2. the material is continuously scrapped and thrown in the path of the moving rotor by scrapper .
3. the distance between the rotor and base of the pan is adjustable and this govern the size of the pdt .
4. Material is ground for a definite period and then passed through the sieve to get desired size .

Advantages :

1. very fine particle size is produced .
2. it require less attention during operation .
3. easy to clean and operate .

Disadvantages :

1. Cannot be used for sticky materials .
2. Batch Process .
3. Noise Pollution .
