End Runner mill

Principle :

main principle is impact and attrition.
1. Movement of mortar and pestle.
2. A Slanted pestle is tuned by the fraction of material passing beneath it as the mortar rotated under power.

Construction :

1. it Consist of a steel mortar and steel pestle .
2. the pestle is dumb bell shaped  .
3. the mortar is fixed on the rotating wheel , rotated by an electric mortar .
4. the pestle is placed in an off center position in the mortar  .
5. Scrapper are also provided in the mortar .

Working :

1. The material to be ground is placed in the mortar  .
2. the mortar revolves at a high speed  .
3. revolving mortar causes the pestle to revolve.
4. the material is continuously scrapped from the sides of the mortar with scrapper .
5. the pestle can be raised from the mortar to facilitate emptying and cleaning of the mill .
