Size Separation , Objectives , Introduction

Size separation :

It is unit operation that involves the separation of mixture of various sizes of particles into two or more portion by means of screening surfaces  .

It is also known as sieving , sifting , classifying  , screening .

This technique is based on physical difference between the particle such as size shape and density .

Objectives :

Solid Dosage Forms : the desired particle size of powder is important ( Granulation ) .
To separate undesirable particles  .
After Milling , never gives particle of the same size but contains particle of varying sizes ,  Undergo sieving operation to get fractions of narrow size range .

Applications :

1. Determination of particle size and size Distribution .
2. Quality Control tool for analysis of raw material .
3. To Test the Efficiency of Size Reduction .
4. To Optimize the process condition such as agitation , time , feed rate .

Mechanism :

1. Agitation
2. Centrifugal Force
3. Brushing
4. Sedimentation
5.Suction and Pressure .
6. Elutriation .
