Rotameter , Construction , Working
Introduction :
- A Rotameter is a device that measures the flow rate of liquid or gas in a closed tube .
- It Belongs to a class of meters called variable area meters , which measures flow rate by allowing the cross sectional area the fluid travels through to vary . causing some measurable effect .
Construction :
- It Consist of a tapered , metered metering glass tube inside of which is located a rotor or active element ( float )
- The tube is Provided a suitable inlet and outlet connection.
- The Float has a specific gravity higher then that of fluid as the fluid flows through the pipe the float rises - Equilibrium is reached when Pressure and the buoyancy of the float counterbalance gravity .
- The Floats height in the tube is then used to reference a flow rate on a calibrated measurement reference .
Working :
- The Rotameter operation is based on the variable area principle : fluid flow raises a float in a tapered tube , increasing the area for passage of the fluid , the grater the flow the higher the float raised .
- The height of the float is directly proportional to the flow rate . with liquid the float is raised by a combination of the buoyancy of the liquid and the velocity head of the fluid .
- The float moves up or down in the tube in Proportion to the fluid flow rate and annular area between the float and tube wall .
- The Float Reaches a stable Position in the tube when the upward force exerted by the flowing fluid equals the downward gravitational force exerted by the weight of the float .
- A change in the flow rate upsets this balance of forces . the float then moves up or down changing the annular area until it again reaches a position where the forces are in equilibrium .
- To satisfy the force equation , the rotameter float assumes a distinct position for every constant flow rate . However it is important to note that because the float position is gravity dependent , rotameters must be vertically oriented and mounted .
Discharge Q is given as :
Q = SQRT ( CdAft(2gVf((rhof - rho)/Af(rho))) )
where :
Q = Discharge .
Cd = Discharge Coefficient
rhof = Density of fluid
rho = Density of the float
Af = Maximum cross sectional area of float .
Aft = Annular area between float and tube .
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